The Ballad of Minepit Shaw |
ABOUT the time that taverns shut And men can buy no beer, Two lads went up to the keepers' hut To steal Lord Peffiam's deer.
Night and the liquor was in their heads-They laughed and talked no bounds,
They had killed a hart, they had killed a hind, Ready to carry away,
They took and ran across the fern, Their crossbows in their hand,
"what are ye doing, O Flesh and Blood, And what's your foolish will,
"Oh, we've broke into Lord Pelham's park, And killed Lord Pelliam's deer,
"We ask you let us go our way, As fast as we can flee,
"Oh, lay your crossbows on the bank And drop the knives from your hand,
They laid their crossbows on the bank, They threw their knives in the wood,
"Oh, what's the roaring in our ears That strikes us well-nigh dumb?"
"what are the stars before our eyes That strike us well-nigh blind?"
"And why's our bed so hard to the bones Excepting where it's cold?"
"Think it over as you stand, For I tell you without fail,
All night long they thought of it, And, come the dawn, they saw
And the keeper's hound had followed 'em close, And broke her neck in the fall;
But whether the man was a poacher too Or a Pharisee so bold- (Lyrics: Rudyard Kipling/ Arrang.: Peter Bellamy)
Peter Bellamy |